
Monday 19 November 2012

One More Thing to Consider Before Getting the iPhone 5

Well it’s here. Yet another beautiful iPhone release from the wonderful people at Apple. Countless hours of productivity have been lost over the last few days, and just this morning millions of hours of sleep were forfeited in the name of “pre-order”.
Well what is so special about this release? Let’s dive in and take a look at what makes the new iPhone 5 special.


The new iPhone 5 has seen a significant change in design, and one that Steve Jobs said he never wanted to see. The most distinguishable difference in the new iPhone is the new 4 inch Retina screen. This new screen offers us the ability to have one more row of apps and gives us more screen experience without leaving the comfort of easily holding it in our hands.
The new iPhone 5 is 20% lighter and 18% thinner than its 4S predecessor. To accomplish this feat, Apple made more room by making the dock smaller, combining the voice and data chips, and making the camera even smaller.
The element of design that pulls me in the most is the beautifully diamond polished edges that surround the body of the phone. Personally, that edge is what draws me in more than even the screen. I simply can’t stop staring at it.
iPhone5 specs One More Thing to Consider Before Getting the iPhone 5
The New iPhone 5 has a taller screen, but it’s those edges that will get you.


Another element of the new iPhone that excites me is the fact that the new A6 chip makes it 2 times faster. This means that the sites we visit will load faster, apps will be snappier, graphics will be crisper, and the frame rates will be increased.
All of these elements lead to a much faster, happier and intuitive experience.

Lightning Connector

The connector has seen a major overhaul as well. Apple has decided to ditch the old pinned analog connector and go for a digital and reversible Lightning Connector. I’m excited about the reversible connector because it will be faster, but also save us time when trying to figure out which way to plug it in.

Battery Life

As with most releases, Apple has also increased the battery life of the new iPhone 5. Judging by the number of people always asking me for a charger, I’m sure that this will be a more than welcome feature.

Panorama Camera

As I mentioned before, Apple has built in an ever better, yet smaller camera. The iPhone 5 camera has a sapphire lens which makes the phone itself lighter. Not to mention, the new iOS 6 will have the great Panorama functionality (software feature so also on 4S, thank you @madeby) that has all of the iPhone camera nerds getting sweaty in the pits.
iphone5 camera One More Thing to Consider Before Getting the iPhone 5
If you’re an early adopter, the Black iPhone 5 is the way to go so you don’t have black bars screaming at you.

So what’s the one thing?

Well after spending the majority of my life as an early adopter I’ve learned how to spot opportunities to get around early “quirks” in new releases. One thing that many people have overlooked is the fact that the majority of apps won’t be ready for the new, taller screen at first.
Many of the apps will still be designed for the old screen. To compensate for this, there will be two black bars at the top of the screen and the bottom, much like watching a widescreen movie.
So the one thing to consider before buying the new iPhone 5 is whether or not you want the white one or the black one. As any good designer knows, the contrast between the phone and the screen will greatly affect your experience using it. My advice is to grab the black iPhone 5 to reduce the eyestrain caused by viewing the black bars on the white phone.
This may seem like a tiny, obsessive and insignificant note, but rest assured you’ll feel it whether you know it or not.


Apple has yet again showed us how they’ve mastered the art of the launch. Leaked photos, supply chain shortages, and the great intense “making of” marketing videos by the Apple dream team (complete with Jony Ive chest hair sticking out of a non-black v-neck), have all led to the latest iPhone craze.
With that being said, and despite being completely aware of the manipulation that I’ve just been through, I’m sure you will join me in saying… “I really want one”.

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